"The enemy brought a knife in a gunfight."

"It's a time loop. In your favor."

"But can you survive 3 battles?"

You cooperate with your time shadows inside a 25 second time loop using firearms against a guy who entered a gunfight with a knife. But he damn well knew what he was doing.

Developed in 16 hours for Linux Game Jam 2023

Closest optional prompt: `Second Pass`


The player has to defeat all enemies and survive 3 battles. The first battle has 1 enemy, the second has 2, the third has 3.

The player can shoot unlimited bullets. The enemies attack by collision.

Every time the player gets hit the timeline gets restarted. The previous attempt of the player leaves behind a time shadow that can help the player.

When the game is finished he gets to see a winning scene. (I spent over an hour just on it, so please, try to reach it.)

The game might be a bit difficult.


[W] [A] [S] [D] - movement

[Space] - reset

[Mouse] - aim & fire

[Q] - Close the game (desktop version only)

Dependencies: libSDL2

Source code:

License: MIT

Note: Web version uses squares instead circles as textures.


time_loop_duel_jam_version.x86_64 2.2 MB
Version 1 Jun 06, 2023

Install instructions

Install libsdl2 and run the executable.

You might need to flag the file as executable with `chmod +x <filename>`
Executable flag does not get preserved on upload and the game is small enough to not need archiving. (it's also just a single file)

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